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Being told that you have an account? If you know your IsraelGives password, sign in here. Otherwise, send yourself a new password by clicking here.

Step 2/{{total_steps}}

Let's get ready for your run. Enter your race details.

I hereby declare that I understand this medical questionnaire and health declaration form and completed it myself. I declare that I have provided full and accurate information about my past and present medical situation according to the questions above. I am aware that if there is any change in my medical situation, I must consult with a physician regarding participating in the event.
I agree to receive information, regular updates and information..
As part of your run, you can set a target of how much you want to try to raise. What do you think you can achieve? (In order to secure your spot on Team AMIT, you will be required to raise a minimum of 200 NIS by 01.02.2020)


Just a little more about you.


Now, add a personal message to your campaign. Tell your friends and family why you’re running for your cause, and ask them to support you! Later on, through the online account we’ll create for you, you can add a video and also text in Hebrew (if you want to create a Hebrew version of your campaign).

First, start with a personal reach out, like one of these:

Then, tell them a bit about your cause and why you are supporting it. For example:

And now, ask the people you've sending your campaign to to support you by making a donation. Ask nicely and be generous!

Now, tell your donors why you're fundraising for this amazing cause (English)

If you want, we can also create a Hebrew-language version of your campaign. Describe your efforts here:

Fill in a summary of your cause in Hebrew


As part of your run, you can set a target of how much you want to try to raise. What do you think you can achieve? (In order to secure your spot on Team AMIT, you will be required to raise a minimum of 200 NIS by 01.02.2020)

As part of your run, we're asking you to commit to a Minimum Amount that you'll raise. This is: {{Registration.MinGoalMessage}}. We’ll bill you for this amount. Please enter your credit card details below. If you meet or exceed this commitment (which we REALLY hope you will!) you won’t be charged AT ALL!

{{GetRegistrationFee()}} Please enter a credit card number to make payment. You'll instantly receive a receipt and confirmation by email.

Processing...Please wait....

Thanks! You've successfully created your campaign. You should receive an email confirmation in a few seconds. Please click on it to confirm your email address. You can then edit your fundraising campaign at any time by logging into your IsraelGives account.

There, you can edit your campaign, also see all of your donors, post updates to your campaign page and send updates to your donors, create a special email that will be sent to everyone who donates on your campaign, and more.

To view your campaign, click here